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Queensland, Australia
I'm an Australian author of Contemporary Romance, Romantic Action/Adventure, and Historical fiction. I live in Queensland, Australia. www.noelleclark.net

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 2 - NaNoWriMo

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence . . . Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent" ~ Calvin Coolidge

I struggled a bit with day 2. Seemed to run into a few brick walls and had to duck off to the internet to do a bit of quick research. I know that all the NaNoWriMo advice is to forget the research and just leave gaps to fill in later, but honestly, I just can't write like that.  Anyway, I wrote 1734 words yesterday. That's a total of 4699 for the first two days.
As I write this, it is lunch time on day 3 and I am away from home, staying at the Gold Coast for a work conference. I may have a zero word count for day 3. :-/
Over and out for now.

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